Our Services
We offer a range of specialist services for your engineering needs.
Further Support through the Planning Process
Highway & Infrastructure Detailed Design
Traffic & Transport Planning
Since the production of the Pitt Report and subsequent Planning Policy Statements on sustainable development, historically, PPS 25 and the current requirements in the recently updated NPPF have evolved within the planning process in England. To a point where, infrastructure planning has become a key consideration at the very beginning of the process rather than an afterthought.
In particular, investigation is now required, due to the real concerns related to climate change associated flooding and sustainable use of natural resources. This goes hand in hand with the need to recharge local ground water and/or watercourses in a sustainable manner, together with water supply and foul drainage disposal/recycling. All of which forms a valuable evidence base in the planning process to ensure vital assets and infrastructure is allowed for as well as protecting the environment, within the Water Cycle.
Infrastructure planning also encompasses strategic and local roads, public transport and the infrastructure to allow non-motorised modes of travel to occur. Our expertise in this is dealt with in the Traffic & Transport Section of our site.
C&A have completed numerous assessments with the appropriate in-house expertise. To undertake comprehensive reviews and Investigations into all forms of infrastructure planning from strategic Local Plan reviews to detailed planning applications on new and regeneration developments covering:
- Flood Risk Assessments
- Surface Water Management Plans
- Surface Water Drainage Strategies incorporating Sustainable Urban Drainage Techniques
- Flood Attenuation Schemes
- Foul Drainage Strategies
- Sewer Requisition support
- Services Strategies
- Specifically related Environmental Assessment input
- Providing Expert Witness support at EiP’s and Section 78 appeals for both the private and public sector