Our Services
We offer a range of specialist services for your engineering needs.
Further Support through the Planning Process
Highway & Infrastructure Detailed Design
Traffic & Transport Planning
Development Briefs & Planning Obligations
C&A’s knowledge of the planning process and it’s expertise in the above areas enables fully informed negotiation, agreement, and execution of S106 agreements adding speed to the development process.
Public Enquiries/EiPs & Core Strategy Reviews
C&A’s depth and breadth of experience in the full spectrum of Transport & Infrastructure Planning, together with extensive experience attending public enquiries in an Expert Witness capacity, ensures we are able to provide this invaluable service with confidence.
Environmental Impact Assessment Support
C&A staff have the expertise to support EIA’s in the form of transport, flooding and infrastructure from green field to the urban regeneration of brown field sites. From mixed use residential schemes through to sporting stadiums and commercial developments.
Master Planning & Urban Design Support
We provide core infrastructure planning services related to assisting the Urban Designer/Master Planner in preparing master plans and design codes for viable sustainable development. We do this by incorporating our knowledge on sustainable transport, integrating highways and sustainable urban drainage (SUDs) requirements within the fabric of urban design layouts, again, working closely with urban designers and the local community/councils.