
Success at Seasalter

13th February 2023

Planning Permission Granted

C&A’s expertise in transport and infrastructure master planning has unlocked planning permission for a major environmentally-friendly development in Whitstable, Kent with ecological and landscape benefits.

The scheme promoted by Southern Grove is for a modest urban extension of 220 market and affordable dwellings. It will provide public open space surrounding the development, with a buffer area to protect the Seasalter habitat levels for wildlife with live ponds, swales and wetland.  Improvements to the local transport network have also been included to provide more cycling and walking routes within the local area.

Transport Planning

The site adjoins Church Lane which is recognised by local residents and councillors as a constrained and unsafe ‘rat run’. C&A developed an access strategy which would provide a replacement through road via the development. This road would be constructed to modern highway design standards and allow buses onto the site. In turn this allows Church Lane to be repurposed as a high-quality walking and cycling route, allowing local residents to access nearby facilities without using their cars.

Infrastructure Planning

In parallel, C&A have provided comprehensive flood risk and drainage support for the application. Our role was to demonstrate that flooding and surface water drainage issues would not constrain the development of the Site or have any adverse effects on existing public foul/surface water drainage networks and watercourses or groundwater source protection zones within the local area. This required compliance with national and local policy, together with consultation with the local planning authority, local lead flood authority, the Lower Medway Internal Drainage Board and Southern Water.

Collaboration between C&A, the ecologist and landscape consultant has produced not only a suitable Sustainable Urban Drainage scheme, but also secured ecological and landscape benefits in the form of live ponds, swales and wetland. These measures will attenuate development surface water flows and improve water quality.

The development includes further environmentally-friendly measures such as photovoltaic roofs, heat pumps and electric vehicle charging points.

Following extensive engagement with local residents and statutory consultees, Canterbury City Council granted planning permission for the application at the February 2023 planning committee. Councillors noted the strong benefits of the scheme for road safety and active travel.

Image supplied by Clague Architects

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